Interests & Specialties

One of my areas of interest is psycho-sexual therapy. This involves working with distress, discomfort and dysfunction relating to sex, sexuality and gender identity. I consider myself to be a gender and sexual diversity affirmative therapist. Common psycho-sexual difficulties may include erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, lack of or excessive libido, painful sex, and sexual trauma amongst other things.

Sex can be difficult to talk about and many people experience shame or avoidance with regard to the sexual difficulties they may be experiencing. Psychosexual therapy provides you with a safe space to think about your sex life and aims to support you in developing an understanding about your sexual difficulties, to address any difficult emotions arising (e.g. feelings of shame, conflict and anxiety) and work towards a healthy relationship with your sexuality while being able to feel comfortable and enjoy sex. Some people do not necessarily have a sexual difficulty they wish to work on, but may simply want to explore and understand their sexuality better.

Another interest of mine is LGBTQ+ mental health and this was to focus of my doctoral thesis. Working with individuals who identify as belonging to minority groups of all kinds, and who therefore may experience stigma and discrimination as a result of their minority status has grown to be a focus of my therapeutic work over the last few years. This includes those identifying as a minority with regard to gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, profession (e.g. sex workers), disability etc.

Having worked in London and Barcelona, I also enjoy working with expats who can experience a specific kind of stress as a result of their expat status. Being an expat myself and knowing the demands this can place on people psychologically, l am well equipped and experienced to support you in this regard, should it be something you require.

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